PushPost updates (1.3)

by Patrick on May 10, 2015 at 18:11

I've made quite a few changes and additions to PushPost since the original post about it. First and foremost I finally implemented the ability to add and manage posts to the photography section of the site. Image thumbnails (either from a local source or from the web) are properly generated, with some bug fixes in the ImgProcessor to go along with it. Photo and image handling is now much more robust, properly accounting for items that went missing since the last site-generation.

I threw together some minor usability improvements, like several shortcuts for various post actions, and shorter filenames for single post html files. Previously I was just using the full GUID for filenames, which was quite ugly and cumbersome if you ever wanted to link to a specific post. Now I'm using a shorter 6 character base-64 string derived from the Post's GUID.

public string ShortID
        if (this.UniqueID.Equals(Guid.Empty))
            return string.Empty;
        return Convert.ToBase64String(this.UniqueID.ToByteArray())
                .Replace("/", "")
                .Replace("+", "")
                .Replace("=", "")
                .Substring(0, 6);

And of course, there are a whole lot more bug fixes.

Hopefully now that PushPost does all the work for me I'll be posting more photos to the gallery section of this site.