PushPost updates (1.3)

by Patrick on May 10, 2015 at 18:11

I've made quite a few changes and additions to PushPost since the original post about it. First and foremost I finally implemented the ability to add and manage posts to the photography section of the site. Image thumbnails (either from a local source or from the web) are properly generated, with some bug fixes in the ImgProcessor to go along with it. Photo and image handling is now much more robust, properly accounting for items that went missing since the last site-generation.

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by Patrick Sears on November 02, 2014 at 15:52

This was another fairly simple idea that turned into something larger than I'd intended. I've used simple Autohotkey scripts to draw any overlays I've needed in the past, but it was far from user-friendly. Needing to modify the script for every movement of the overlay, and running multiple instances just to draw more than one overlay got much too tedious.

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by Patrick on August 04, 2014 at 17:29

For a few years now I've been meaning to build a tool that would help create a simple website. Finally, it's more or less complete. Well, at least enough of it is complete to write this post in and generate all the pages in the "Code" section of this site.

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AutoHotkey Script Manager

by Patrick on July 26, 2014 at 20:40

I usually have 3-4 different AutoHotkey scripts running at any given time. This leaves a mess of identical icons in the system tray, making it annoying to start and stop specific scripts.

Which is where this script comes in. One script to rule them all. I can now hide all other scripts' tray icons (using the #NoTrayIcon command) and launch them through AhkManager.

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Desktop Veneer

by Patrick on June 08, 2014 at 00:00

After using some annoying trial software that overlayed some text onto the desktop, I thought it would be interesting to make a fake desktop that would float below all windows (and the taskbar) but remain in front of the wallpaper. I wanted this to run with no input from the user, and work alongside anything that changed the desktop background. After a bit of mucking around with some Windows API goodness, I ended up with this:

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